2 Easy Ways To Improve Your Twitch Stream Now

Quick and easy action items that can make a huge difference

2 Easy Ways To Improve Your Twitch Stream Now

read time 5 minutes

Hey! This our first ever edition of the newsletter so thank you SO MUCH for subscribing. This project is something I've been wanting do to for awhile and I'm absolutely buzzing about it!We have subscribers that are both brand new to streaming and have already started, so I'll try to mix in useful, actionable items for both during our journey. I know you're busy and I want these newsletters to be quick and easy for you to digest so let's dive right in.


Here's what I have for you today:

  • Quote: Get started

  • 2 Easy Ways To Improve Your Twitch Stream Now

  • Future topics



If you're thinking about streaming and haven't started yet, it's time to start. My first few streams were terrible. I had a spare laptop sitting on a stack of boxes with the lid partially closed so its camera would point downward and show my turntables. It wasn't pretty but I got started and improved little-by-little.Why get started even if you have no idea what you're doing? Because our brains are incredibly adaptive and efficient. Whenever you start something new, your brain creates new neural connections so that it can more easily call upon that action (be more efficient) in the future. i.e. "practice makes perfect". The more you do that action, the stronger those neural connections become and the faster your brain call call upon it (it becomes second nature). Conversely though, if you stop doing something, those connections weaken. So get to it and keep at it.


2 Easy Ways To Improve Your Twitch Stream Now

1. Create a Consistent ScheduleYour schedule is the foundation of your stream - Your fans need to know when you're going to be on so they can look forward to it and get excited. Decide on days and times that you can commit to 100% and create a schedule - even if it's only 1 or 2 days a week. It's better to create a schedule you can stick to no matter what, than to have to cancel streams or worse, not show up at all. If you want to do pop-ups in addition to your schedule you can but you need to have your schedule ironed out first.Post your schedule on Twitch - You can add / update your schedule on Twitch under Settings > Channel and Videos > Schedule. Tell the world - You've got your schedule, now post it, everywhere you have an account - Facebook & Instagram (newsfeed and stories), Twitter, etc. Talk about your schedule on your stream - Have a command such as !schedule and have your mods trigger it once per hour during your stream so you can talk about it or set up an auto timer for it in your chatbot. Make sure you talk about it. Don't just put it in the chat. Do both. Always end your stream with talking about when you'll be on next and what your upcoming schedule is. 2. Make Your Stream More InteractiveChannel point redemptions - Create fun channel point redemptions for people to use that creates excitement and helps keep fans engaged. I've seen channel points for a lot of different activities. I once had one for jumping jacks. I debuted it during a 12 hour stream (big mistake). The next day I had the worlds worst headache. Pretty sure I had given myself a mild concussion. Needless to say, no more jumping jacks. Come up with some fun and unique ideas for your channel. Maybe it's something you've done before that people loved. Make that into a channel point redemption. Interact with the chat - Twitch is an interactive platform. One of the reasons fans love Twitch is because they can interact with the streamers in a way that has never before been possible (especially for DJs), so pay attention to the chat and get in the conversation. We've created some very memorable moments during our in-stream conversations. When those memorable / stand-out moments happen, clip them so you can go back to them. You can create some fun ongoing jokes within your community this way. These clips also make great promo content!Show your gratitude - When people come into your stream (new or return viewers), show them love and make them feel warmly welcomed as soon as possible. If you remember something about them from previous streams, ask them about it. If there's a running joke or topic with that person, mention it. We have a friend in our stream who had field mice that got into their house. It's been a running topic for about a week now. Their journey of getting the mice out of their house has been a hilarious story to follow and we're all having fun with it. Twitch is all about building a community. We share with each other like family because we are.


Future Topics?

That's a wrap for today, I hope you got some value out of this! Reply back and let me know 1) what you thought about today's newsletter and 2) what topics you'd like to see us covering in future editions.


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