Believe In Yourself and You'll Be Unstoppable

Why belief in ourselves starts with talking to ourselves

Believe In Yourself and You'll Be Unstoppable

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Happy Mindset Monday! This is Greatness on Demand, the newsletter delivering actionable ideas for streamers that's as red hot as Rihanna's outfit last night and unlike whatever they pumped into Patrick Mahomes' foot at half time, we're 100% legal. Here's what we have for you today:

  • Quote:

  • How We Talk To Ourselves Matters

  • What's The Worst That Could Happen?


How We Talk To Ourselves Matters

Fill in the blank, "I AM _________.If you read the subject line of the email and filled in the blank, what was your initial answer? I'm not looking for what you think you should say. I want to know what was the first thing that came to your mind? "I AM _______."You may not realize this but the way we speak to ourselves, even in the privacy of our own minds, makes a huge difference in the outcome of our real lives. As the quote above says, "whatever follows "I AM" comes looking for you. Why do you think that is?Because we humans are constantly sending information out into the universe either consciously or subconsciously. That means that the more of something you put out, the more of that you get in return. Do you want to know the answer to "why does this always happen to me?" It's because you believe it does. That's it, it's that simple. Change your mind, change your life.So, what kind of things do you talk to yourself about? (no judgement, we all do it). Do you have kind, uplifting conversations with yourself or are you mean to yourself, do you belittle yourself? Do you think positive thoughts about others and try to see the good in everyone or do you only see their flaws? It's ok if it's the latter, many people don't even realize they're doing it and, that it's not good for you. How can we work on this? Ask yourself these two questions, "would I talk to a close friend or a loved-one in this way?" and "would I want this person to know I'm thinking these things about them?". If you're being honest with yourself, the answer is no. However, don't judge yourself or beat yourself up about it. Accept that you had those thoughts and then make a conscious decision to come up with something that's the complete opposite, "a new story", if you will. Let's dive deeper into that in the section below.

What's The Worst That Could Happen?

Think about when you've had negative thoughts about yourself, a situation or another person. How bright of an outcome do those thoughts usually portray? Do you see the best possible outcome or the worst possible outcome? I think for many of us, we default to the absolute worst case scenario. The story we create in our minds is usually of the worst possible things that could happen. What do we usually learn though as the situation unfolds? What we learn is that the worst case scenario almost never happens. I've heard people say, "well, expect the worst and you'll never be disappointed". Do that I say, "what an awful way to live your day-to-day life". All that unnecessary stress by only seeing to the worst case scenario creates all kinds of long-term health and emotional problems and robs you of your happiness. I'm here to tell you today that there's a better way. Here's an exercise I learned from Tony Robbins that has helped me a ton:Whenever you create a "worst case scenario" story about yourself, a situation or another person, recognize it, accept it without judging yourself, then ask yourself these questions, in this order:1. Ok so I know what the worst case scenario is, what is the best case scenario or what else could be true that's the opposite of my worst case thought?2. What scenario would fall in the middle of the worst case and the best case? (hint, this is almost always what actually happens or turns out to be true)See the graphic below to visualize this:

This exercise will help you slow down and see the bigger picture. When you start to work out scenario's using this framework it will transform your life, your relationships with others and most importantly, yourself. Negative thoughts are a habit so give yourself some grace and understand that creating this new habit - one of thinking more positive thoughts and looking for the good in situations and people - will take time and effort. But you've got this because you also understand that anything worth doing requires you put in the work. Make a conscious effort to work on this for 30 days and you'll see a big impact in your happiness and belief in yourself. We're rooting for you!

Spread the Word!

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